Tuesday, November 21, 2006


We're soo not morning people. You'll see why in an instant.

Firstly, results of the mini "who really gives a fuck about your sexual appetite" poll on who turns YOU on:

As expected, Asin kinda blasts ahead of the competition. Being one of those who can't even recognize some famed Kollywood director if placed beside him on the train, I can imagine why the sweet girl next door would be most popular. She's the only name other than Trisha and Jyothika I recognize. So it isn't about the meat at all isn't it?

Namitha! Namitha! Sorry, we just have this thing for B grade film stars. A rags to riches, support the underdog fetish of ours.

Next, although it is our desire that everyone is as broad minded as the egoistical bastards we are, we have succumbed to the pressures of being politically correct. Not in our content at least. Still we offer a helping hand to those of youse who'd like to introduce this fine site to friend and foe but hesitate mainly due to the "keling" in the URL. We feel your pain, no seriously we did, like in that 5 seconds between finishing our beer and popping the cap of the next Stella Artois.

Problem solved.

klkillah.blogspot.com and klkillahs.blogspot.com are now owned by the KLKillahs and have auto re-direct scripts installed to send all of you back here anyway. Have a click at them. Credit: Ugra Chandi for his know-how.

Now, that we're done with the acronyms, we'll be working on other yinteresting freebies for loyal KLKlanites. Watch out for that in the coming weeks.